Our Parish / Nuestra Parroquia
Holy Family Catholic Church, located in Yerington, Nevada is a vibrant, Roman Catholic faith-based community located in Mason Valley and surrounding areas, full of opportunities to enrich your soul and gather as a family. Join us for one of our liturgies. You'll be glad you've come home. Let us know what you need so we can continue to grow in our faith together.
We are a community of three parishes: Holy Family in Yerington, St. John the Baptist in Smith, and Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Hawthorne. We share our priest, Fr. Jesus, and some of our ministries and activities, helping each other on our faith journey.

Fr. Jesus Ballesteros, Pastor
Father Jesus has been with us since July, 2015, coming to Holy Family, St. John's, and Our Lady of Perpetual Help, from Elko, NV. His interests include hiking in the mountains, observing the beauty of God's creation. He is certainly kept busy serving our three parishes with energy and dedication.
El Padre Jesús ha estado con nosotros desde julio de 2015, viniendo a Holy Family, St. John's y Our Lady of Perpetual Help, de Elko, NV. Sus intereses incluyen caminatas en las montañas, observando la belleza de la creación de Dios. Ciertamente se mantiene ocupado sirviendo a nuestras tres parroquias con energía y dedicación.
We, as faithful followers of Jesus Christ, acknowledge a diversity in cultures, life experiences, and individual talents, commit ourselves to building unity in our community of faith, to celebrate His presence in sacrament and word.
Office Hours and Parish Staff
Wednesday thru Friday 9 am - 2 pm
Fr. Jesus Ballesteros, Pastor
Cathy Valim, Office Manager
Pat Cambell, Bookkeeper
Don & Marie Chapman and Fidel Rios, Maintenance
Rebecca Kling, DRE of Holy Family Religious Ed.
Daria Erickson, DRE of St. John's Religious Ed.